Monday, May 24, 2010

Back On My Soap Box About Burning/Copying Beachbody Programs

Okay. SERIOUSLY? I was gonna look for a way to sugar coat this and what not, but I changed my mind. I am ANGRY. Not an emotion that I like to express often but right now, it is necessary, and I am allowed to be,(dare I say?), PISSED OFF.

I am a Certified Personal Trainer & a Beachbody Coach. That means that it is my ABSOLUTE PLEASURE to help you achieve the health, fitness, and wellness goals, that you aspire to reach. I will spend all the time necessary to help you find the program (s) and/or Supplements that YOU need to achieve the goals that YOU want. There are MANY of you that can attest to this. And, if for some reason, a Beachbody program doesn't work for you, I try REALLY hard to find you other options. And I do all of this at NO EXPENSE TO YOU. I do it because I enjoy it. It does not cost you anything because the company pays me a small percentage of every item I sell. Does this mean that it is my job to sell you Beachbody items? Uhmmm......NO. There are many of you that can attest to this too. How many of you have I recommended BSN Lean Dessert Protein Powder to? Beachbody makes Whey protein powders. However, that one may not neccessarily fit into the needs and goals that YOU have for yourself.  It's my job as a Coach, A CPT, your Friend, and a frickin HUMAN BEING to try to find you something that will work for YOU. It just so happens that Beachbody has a program and/or a supplement that works for just about anyone because they test and test and test their product to make sure it is as close to perfection as they can get it. And I do this because I ENJOY IT. SO, I ASK: WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU ASK ME TO BURN YOU A COPY OF A PROGRAM?  And, I will go a step further: WHY WOULD YOU BURN A COPY OF THAT PROGRAM FOR SOMEONE?  PISSES ME OFF TO NO END! Everytime you burn a copy of the programs, you are, literally, taking money out of my pocket and not getting the results you'll need because you have not been assigned a coach. EVERYTIME YOU BUY A COUNTERFIET PRODUCT ON eBay or purchase a program on there, again, you are stealing money out of the pockets of the Beachbody coaches and robbing yourself of reaching your goals. AND THEN YOU GET UPSET WHEN YOU BUY SAID PROGRAM AND IT DIDNT WORK.  And then I ask you "Did you follow the eating guide?" and you say "What eating guide?" "Did you use the bands?" "What bands?" "Did you use the wall chart that showed you which programs to do when?" "What wall chart?" "Did you use the enclosed forum website so you could get additional motivation from others who are doing the program?" "What website?" HUH? REALLY? 

Now. NO ONE knows better than me how difficult it can be to afford  some programs, which can run from $59.99-$189.00 for deluxe versions. (Not all Beachbody programs do.) But I think that you do what I do: you save for it. Cut out Starbucks. Seriously, which one is better for you? And if you can pay $120.00 for a pair off SHOES.....Do I really need to comment further? OR here is a BETTER idea: BECOME A COACH AND SAVE $$$ ON THE PROGRAMS/SUPPLEMENTS.  Hmmm...makes me wonder; what would YOU do in this situation if YOU were a coach trying to help your "friends"?

This is what I have to say to people who are NOT willing to invest in themselves and their health: YOU ARE NOT READY.  You are showing me COMPLETE lack of respect for what I do: try to help and motivate YOU. But you USE me to get the help that YOU need. SHAME ON YOU. I like to think that I go above and beyond for my clients and ANYONE in my Friends list. NOTHING gives me more pleasure than getting that text "OMG. I have lost 40 pounds to day with xyz program." Or the emails I get that say "Im moving to Round two of P90X. I was able to put on jeans I haven't been able to wear since highschool!" That stuff right there, often moves me to tears. I LOVE it. Because I have been there. I know what it feels like to slip into my size 4 shorts when before a 14 was way too tight. What I want is for EVERYONE to have THAT joy. To be able to do bicep curls with 25 instead of 5 ponds weights. To be able to walk up a flight of staris without being winded. To be able to go outside and play with your kids and live that healthy, happy lifestyle that everyone deserves. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN MENTIONED THAT IS IS ILLEGAL. So not only do you not respect ME enough, but you don't respect yourself and don't know that you are worth it. SMH. That's just too bad. Pathetic even. And if you are the one BURNING THE PROGRAM, the same goes to you. And your "friend" doesn't respect you either.

I WISH I could say that this was only 1 or 2 people, but I have gotten emails and request from several people. Some of you will remember I DELETED a ton of people who could not seem to understand why I could not do it....seriously?

All I am saying is respect me, and the other coaches, enough to NOT burn/copy programs. Respect yourself enough. Rather you know it or not, you ARE worth it. If you weren't, I wouldn't be wasting my time (which is what it feels like when you do this) trying to help you reach your goals. If you can't respect this very simple request to do what's proper and right, or you can't understand why I am soo upset, please simply remove me from your friends list. You, unfortunately, are NOT the type of person I need in my life. And for those of you thinking "She could have told me this in private", YES. I could have. But WHY should I have to repeat this approximately 3-6 times a day? Why should I show YOU the respect that you are NOT showing ME? This is MUCH better, for me, and I can tell EVERYONE THE SAME THING, AT THE SAME TIME and there can be no She said this, or she said that. It's all right here. Black and White. For everyone to see. And besides that, it is sad enough that I have to explain this, at all,  to GROWN ASS people why this MIGHT NOT BE APPROPRIATE.

Now, I am going to brew a cup of Detox Tea, Take a DEEP BREATH, and move on from this topic. It has taken up enough of my time.

As always, I am here to help you reach your Fitness, Health, and Wellness goals. Step one is knowing that YOU ARE WORTH IT.
Karen Williams-deCastro~CPT


  1. LOVE IT! WEll said Lady!! I just can't even believe that people would ask you to do that for them. Shame on them and good for you for putting this out there. Unfortunately I'm sure some people won't read this and you may still get a few emails with the same requests. Morons.

  2. Very well said! I have a friend who bought P90X the same time I did. He bought it from the website and my wife UFORTUNATELY(to save money) bought it from a company in china off of ebay. He got all of the help and support and well I was left with a very poor copy of P90X. Kenpo X doesnt work right and my favorite workout Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps only works in one of my DVD players, and the two bonus workouts that are suppose to be on the "How to Bring It" DVD isnt even there. I did get the nutritional guide and the workout guide but the pages are falling out. I did NOT get the online support he got or a coach to help motivate me.

    With that said I did not got the results I wanted, but he is getting what he wants. Now after talking with him and realizing what Im missing out on I have the original P90X with all of the support and DVDs that work. And Im now a Beachbody Coach and Iam now getting those results I wanted. You absolutely can not get the same support and motivation you get out of Beachbody products with another company or by burning or buying a copy.

    With that said I back you up 110% because I have been there. I know what its like to be frustrated with the program because its a cheap copy. And Now when someone asks me to burn a copy for them I tell them about my story and they change their mind very quickly.
